Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Ozone Layer and Human Health

The Ozone and You!

We have all heard of climate change and the ozone hole. We know that what is happening is not good for our planet, the many species and organisms that live here, or us. With every day, pollution on our planet increases and causes further problems with our ozone layer, climate, and our health.

The pollution that is occurring is a combination of chlorine and bromine, which is helping to deteriorate the ozone layer. In doing so, ultraviolet B rays are allowed to reach Earth's surface in large amounts. These ultraviolet rays cause skin cancer and cataracts to humans. Scientists estimate that by 2050, the U.S. population will see a 10% increase in skin cancer. Needless to say, sunscreen is a must.

As well as depleting our ozone, which means less protection from UV rays, we're also trapping harmful smogs and pollutants underneath the ozone. When we breathe in these chemicals, this can lead to further health problems including, but not limited to, lung cancer.

With all these occurring health problems and increasing pollution, we can expect to see more cases of health problems in future years unless we decide to take a stand and help save our planet by reducing our pollution emissions.

Picture credit: www.momscleanairforce.org





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