Thursday, February 5, 2015

Melting Arctics Threatening Polar Bear Population

Polar Bear Population Declining due to Melting Arctics
 As climate change continues to occur on our planet and increase temperatures in certain areas on the world, it continues to play a devastating role in the Arctic pole. The Arctic area is an important biome for many species, especially for polar bears, who depend on the ice sheets to make its living. As temperatures in the Arctic increase, the environment for these animals continues to decrease and effect the population of the species.

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In 2008, polar bears were put on the Endangered Species Act because of the melting sea ice. Studies have been done on the populations since then with some of the studies showing an population increase in some areas and a decrease in others. The main issue here is that there is a greatly declining amount of sea ice during the late summer, which leaves the polar bears with less time for hunting time on the ice.

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A 2014 study on the polar bear populations showed a 40% decrease in the populations between 2001 and 2010. It is clear that the ice melt has had a drastic effect on the polar bears. This is not a problem that can be fixed by putting limits on hunting, but one of limiting our pollution emissions. This issue will not be solved unless we change our ways. If not, this population may just become extinct.


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