Thursday, February 19, 2015

Climate Change Effects on Agriculture

Climate Change Effecting Agriculture

Agriculture is one of the major back bones to our country and one that we are forever dependent on. We receive the majority of our food from the crops we grow and of those that we buy from other parts of the world. In the last several decades, we have been working with crop varieties of many sorts and working on ways to develop stronger, higher producing crops.

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But as climate change continues to affect our planet, our crops are suffering the same effects. Changes in temperature, carbon dioxide emissions, and the intensity of extreme weather conditions that we have been experiencing (in some places more than others) can have huge impacts on the yields of agricultural crops. Each crop type will be affected differently and only time will tell what those will be and how they will impact human food supply.

Crops have always been dependent upon the climate and with the drastic changes occurring with our climate today and the effects that come with climate changes, our crops are likely to have a tough future ahead. 

The thing with climate change is that although we are helping to alter it every day, we are turn hurting the systems that support us from the most basic sense. If we are striving for a better future and to be more successful, shouldn't we start by fixing our mistake? Helping to fix a wrong that we have unintentionally caused? It will be a long process with a lot of work but isn't it worth it?


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