Thursday, April 23, 2015

Jason-3 Mission to be Launched Summer 2015

Jason-3 Mission to be Launched July 22

A mission called Jason-3 is scheduled to be launched July 22, 2015 by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, is the latest in the series of satellites that have been measuring the height of the ocean's surface over the last 23 years. These satellites have been tracking and measuring such information for data of rising sea levels connected to global climate change and how human actions have been adding to the problem. This data can also help improve hurricane forecasts, navigation, and helping fisheries and offshore industries.

Artist's rendering of Jason-3. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech
Picture source: "Artist's rendering of Jason-3. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech" from

Jason-3 and the other satellites are helping scientists to understand the natural cycles of earth. Jason-3 is now the fifth satellite to be used for measuring the sea height. Scientists need these continued observations because the climate is continuing to change and human influence continues to effect it. And there has been results- in the 23 years that the series has been running, they have observed about 2.4 inches of global sea level rise. They have also observed more coastal erosion and more frequent flooding. This series' observations could prove very useful in upcoming years to help determine the true nature of human influence on Earth's global climate change.


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