Wednesday, April 29, 2015

China Becoming Biggest Contributor to Global Warming?

China Soon to Become Top Global Warming Contributor

The United States has always led the charts of top contributors of greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming, but it seems that soon China will be surpassing the U.S. within the year. This has occurred because of China's major economic growth as of recently and a lack of laws set in place to help curb this growth of emissions.

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In 1992, a U.N. principle made it so that leading or wealthy nations were to lead the way in cutting greenhouse gas emissions because they burn more coal and use more oil and natural gas that other nations. But now, emerging nations are burning more fossil fuels and do not have to cut their emissions, in order to catch up to other nations and end poverty. But this is leading to an increase amount of emissions being pumped into our atmosphere and no laws or regulations to stop this increased output. China, India, and Brazil are leading this strain of increased emissions, but it is occurring all around the world.

This December, almost 200 nations are set to meet in Paris to decide a global deal to help combat the climate actions after year 2020. Until then, nations around the world are working out plans to combat these emission. China is among them and they are working on ways to reduce their impact.


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